Friday, August 30, 2013

Dynamics GP - 1099 Vendor

What is 1099 vendor?

A 1099 vendor is a vendor for whom you are required by law to report payment for services to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in accordance with Internal Revenue code. Sole proprietorship's, individuals, medical or health providers and partnerships are all considered 1099 vendors and will require a 1099.

A 1099 vendor is a designation, or flag, listed in each of the records in the vendor master file that is part of an accounting software package. If one designates a vendor as a 1099 vendor, the system will print a Form 1099 for the vendor as part of the 1099 batch processing that follows the end of the calendar year. The company then sends the resulting 1099 form to the vendor, which the vendor should use for tax filing purposes.

The software should not print a Form 1099 for any vendor for which the company has issued cumulative payments for the full calendar year of less than $600. One can send a copy of this report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The intent of the 1099 vendor designation is to ensure that suppliers report the correct amount of income to the IRS for income tax reporting purposes.
One should apply the 1099 vendor designation to any supplier that has the following characteristics (this is a partial list)
  • Professional services fees
  • Commissions paid to non-employees
  • Fees paid to independent contractors
  • Taxable fringe benefits for non-employees
  • Director's fees
  • Fish purchased for cash
  • Golden parachute payments
Generally, this designation is for a vendor entity that is not a corporation. The best practice for designating a 1099 vendor is to have all suppliers fill out and submit a Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, before paying them.

How to handle 1099 Vendor in GP?

In GP, one can setup 1099 vendor through
Microsoft Dynamics GP àTools à Setup à Purchasing à Payables to open Payables Management Setup.

Click 1099 Setup button to set the amount for 1099 Setup Tax type which may be Dividend, Interest, Miscellaneous. 
To check the vendor as 1099 vendor, go to Cards àPurchasing àVendor to open Vendor Maintenance and click options to check the vendor tax type.

Note: Vendor tax type as Not a 1099 vendor option then the vendor is not a 1099 vendor.

More details about 1099 Vendor process will be coming soon in this blog...

Hope this helps!

Attachments Configuration in Dynamics SL 2011

In the prior versions of Dynamic SL till SL 7.0, there is always a need to preserve the soft copy of the document pertaining to the transaction. This has been addressed in the latest 2011 versions through the document attachment feature.

1.  Attach scanned copies of invoices from vendor to the voucher in the Voucher & adjustment screen.
2.  Use it to attach a spreadsheet that you used to calculate the estimation of project in Dynamics.
3.  Use it to attach copies of Signed Contracts to the project in project maintenance.
4.  Multiple source document files can be attached.

It takes a little bit of set up to get to work, but once it is setup, it is very handy.

Attachments Configuration:

The source document files can be maintained from the SharePoint site or Network folder. If the source documents are detached, the files won’t be deleted from the external location.

Source document files can be attached to data items by using the attachments option on the Notes/Attachments icon on data entry screens.

The attachments should be configured in the Attachments Configuration screen of Dynamics SL and given below are the various routes.

Open SL 2011 --> Administration --> Maintenance --> Attachments Configuration (98.400.00)

Upload Destinations Area

             a.  Existing Folder Location:

Select Existing Folder Location to store source document files on a network folder.

Click Browse button and select the path of the network folder. The path selected appears in UNC. Specify the full path of the network folder.

This option is not available if you selectUse Doc Share settings” or “Existing SharePoint Document Library” option.

b.   Existing SharePoint Document Library:

Select Existing SharePoint Document Library to store source document files on a SharePoint document library. Specify the Internet address of the SharePoint document library in URL.
This option is not available if you select Use Doc Share Settings or Existing Folder Locationoption.

c.   Use Doc Share Settings: is another option. This is still under investigation and will come up with the proper configuration steps in the next SL post.

Hope this blog will be helpful to understand the concept of attachment configuration. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Report ROI has stopped working in Dynamics SL

We often got the ROI has stopped working issue during click of print preview button in all Reports. We tried different ways to resolve the problem in our local environment. Finally we found the exact solution to this issue. We thought of sharing this issue with all Dynamics SL users. 

 We got this error when tried to click the print preview button in all Report ROI.
 Environment: Dynamics SL 2011 FP1
 System type: 32 bit OS windows 7

Cause 1:
  • An invalid printer specified in Microsoft Dynamics SL Printer Options.
  • In a Terminal Server or Citrix environment, every time that you log on, the name of the printer may change slightly.

  1. Open Printer Options (98.220.00) and specify a valid printer / Use Windows Default printer.

Cause 2:
  • The DLL file “u2lsol4.dll” may missing in \WRKSTN\Windows\Crystal under SL  root folder

  • Browse the “u2lsol4.dll” file under the SL installation files and place it in to the above mentioned path.
  • Register the above DLL 

Mail Server Settings in GP 2013

In Dynamics GP 2013, there is a new option to select the Email server type either to MAPI or Exchange.
Set Email Preferences in GP2013.
Go to Tools àSetup àSystem àSystem Preferences to open System Preferences screen in GP where one can set the email preferences.

There are 2 server types under Email preferences

  • MAPI
  • Exchange

MAPI– This option uses the Microsoft Outlook profile of the user logged onto the machine and only works if the 32-bit version of Microsoft Outlook is installed.  A Microsoft Outlook profile must be setup and functional.  This option is similar to how email integration worked in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010.

Exchange – This option requires use of the Microsoft Exchange Auto Discover Service, which must be operational on the local network.  If you have the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office installed, one must use this option and have the Microsoft Exchange Auto Discover Service enabled in order to email documents from within Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 allows one to email documents to customers from the Sales Series and vendors from the Purchasing Series.  One will access the Email Settings windows from the ToolsSetup menus for either the Sales or Purchasing Series.  If one can select the Exchange Server Type on your email configuration, the system will first prompt you to enter an email address and password in order to connect to the Exchange Server prior to displaying the Email Setup window for the series.

In previous Dynamics GP versions, Microsoft Outlook connector on the user home page was turned on by default.  But in GP2013, Microsoft Outlook Inbox is removed from Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Hope this helps!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Load image dynamically in Print Preview form in CRM 2011 using JavaScript

As we know Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, provide the capability to view the entity form in print preview mode.
The print preview mode is not fully compatible with the script that is deployed – say the script that displays the image dynamically in the print preview mode. This limitation can be overcome with the help of work around way that is discussed below.
Dynamically load the image on print preview mode that is attached to the Notes.
Configured the web-resource, retrieve the image and load it.
Below steps to configure the web-resource:-
Step 1     Configure the new HTML Webresource file in the form. 
Step 2     Retrieve the image file and load into the configured webresource (above).

Step 3     Below code snippet to retrieve the image (attached to the Notes) and configured into the   webresource.

Code Snippet:
function ShowPrintPreviewImage() {
    var serverUrl = top.opener.Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();
    var odataPath = serverUrl + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
    var retrieveReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var CurrentRecordId =;
    if (CurrentRecordId != null) {"GET", odataPath + "/congruent_accountSet(guid'" + CurrentRecordId + "')/ congruent _account_Annotations"false);

function retrieveReqCallBack(retrieveReq) {
    for (var i = 0; i < entity.results.length; i++) {
        var fileName = new Array(100);
        var sampleimagefileContents = null;
        fileName[i] = entity.results[i].FileName;
        if (fileName[i] == "sampleimage.jpg") {
            sampleimagefileContents = "data:image/jpg;base64," + entity.results[i].DocumentBody;

Below Steps to load the image dynamically in the Print Preview Mode:
Step 1                 Create/Configure another Web-resource (Image displayed dynamically) in the entity form. 
Step 2                 Make invisible the HTML Web-resource in the footer section.

Step 3                 The below method (displayimage) needs to be invoke in the on-load of invisible HTML (refer above).

Code Snippet:

function displayimage() {
        if (top.location.href.indexOf("/print/print.aspx") != -1) {
          var img = ShowPrintPreviewImage();
            if (img != null) {
                img = top.frames[0].document.getElementById("WebResource_SampleImageSection");
                img.src = sampleimagefileContents ;
Step 4                 Finally, the image will be display in the Print Preview Mode as shown below.

Hope this blog will be more helpful for those who come across this scenario!!!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

How to customize Toolbars in Dynamics GP?

In Dynamics GP, one can customize tool bars based on their choice. Customizing toolbars deals about adding existing forms, reports from menus to the toolbar. This enables the navigation of certain forms by adding particular windows shortcuts to the toolbar.

Steps to customize the toolbar
Right click the Toolbar à click Customize to open the Toolbar Customization window.

Add button
Opens the Add Command window, where one can choose a command to add to the toolbar selected.
Delete button
Removes the selected command from the toolbar.
Cancel button
Closes the window without saving changes.
Move Down button
Moves the selected command down in the list of controls.
Move Up button
Moves the selected command up in the list of controls.
OK button
Saves current changes and closes the window.
Reset Toolbar button
Changes the selected toolbar to the default settings.
Modify Selection button
Displays a list of actions one can complete for the selected command in the Controls pane.

  • Reset Changes the selected command back to the default settings.
  • Name Opens the Change Name window, where one can change the name of a command.
  • Change Button Image Opens the Change Icon window, where one can change the icon associated with a command.
  • Default Style Select this option to set the appearance of the selected command on the toolbar to what it was when one can first installed Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  • Image Only Select this option to have the image of the selected command appear on the toolbar without text.
  • Text Only Select this option to have the name of the selected command appear on the toolbar without an image.
  • Image and Text Select this option to have both the image and the text for this command appear on the toolbar.
  • Insert Divider Line Choose to insert a divider line before the selected command on the toolbar. Add a divider line to divide a toolbar into smaller sections.

The user can drag the selected section of the toolbar to a new place if the lock toolbar option is not selected. Only the selected module related tools will get reflected in the GP toolbar.